GIVEAWAY: “Cookie Cutters, Comin’ Up Roses”

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In the “Comin’ Up Roses,” Feb/Mar issue of MaryJanesFarm, we gave you this heartfelt breakfast idea.


For a chance to win a free 4-piece metal heart-shaped cookie cutter set—just what you need to spread the love—tell me what your most loved dessert is in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Donna Lohre says:

    My favorite dessert is still a good old fashioned Bread Pudding. Not only do I enjoy it for dessert, but I have been known to warm it for Breakfast. Sinful maybe, but so good.

  2. Geri Letki says:

    Homemade Apple Pie!!!!!!

  3. Karen Jempson says:

    Boiled Custard. No one makes it anymore

  4. Chrissy Schairer says:

    I love these peanut butter cupcakes with chocolate Ganache. I got there recipe from your magazine years ago.

  5. Joyce Jose says:

    Chocolate cake with four layers and lots of icing!

  6. John Winske says:

    My mother used to make Indian Plum Pudding and we all loved it. She passed away in 1994 and none of us ever had the recipe so now its gone. The Indian stood for American native Indians.

  7. Jo-Ann Fitzgerald says:

    Flourless chocolate tart

  8. Peg Hasenpflug says:

    My mom made the best pumpkin pie. I remember one Thanksgiving she made several pies, and my dad ate two of them on commercial runs watching the football games. She couldn’t believe they disappeared so quickly.

  9. Polly Kimmel says:

    My favorite is my home made old fashioned sugar cream pie!!

  10. Sondra Langle says:

    Strawberry shortcake with lots of cream (not whipped cream but real cream)

  11. Jennifer says:

    My favorite dessert is a Wilton cheesecake recipe I used to make my wedding cake. (One of our ushers went back for thirds!) Every few anniversaries–and once for a friend’s birthday–I dig out the recipe and follow the many steps I once knew by heart. Good thing the process is so involved or I’d be tempted to make it more often!

  12. Connie rowland says:

    Love cooking and getting new ideas

  13. Collette Peters says:

    My most loved dessert is lemon cookies! Perfect in the summer with sweet tea and perfect in the winter with hot tea!

  14. Katherine Job says:

    Brownies…but I like to make them girly by adding different things I have on hand like nuts or sprinkles or bits of dried fruit <3

  15. Eric Hendrie says:

    I love homemade cheese cake because the whole family gets involved in making it so to me it’s not only yummie but priceless.

  16. Patricia Maas says:

    Bananas fried in butter, wrapped in a freshly made frappe, topped with fresh whipped cream, melted German chocolate, German chocolate shredded, crushed walnut and a maraschino cherry on top.

  17. Jeretta says:

    My favorite desert is pumpkin. Anything with pumpkin in it.
    I love pumpkin! Thank you.

  18. Sandi Duncan says:

    My most favorite desert is yellow layer cake with chocolate icing. My Mom made this all the time for my Dad,it was his favorite. Now it is mine. For the memories and because it is yummy💜

  19. Alvena says:

    My favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie. Yum yum

  20. Ramona Griesbach says:


  21. Kellie Boston says:

    A homemade chocolate cake. The recipe is from the depression era. I make it several times a year, as it is much loved!

  22. Brian Curtis says:

    My favorite dessert is Naniamo Bars. My Mom made them for all special occasions and never were there any leftovers!
    I still make them to this day!

  23. Amanda Munford says:

    My favorite dessert is Creme Brulee!

  24. Tammy says:

    Key Lime Pie

  25. April marshall says:

    My grandmothers cheesecake!

  26. Linette Batterman says:

    My most loved dessert is creme brulee, I haven’t mastered making it yet, but I’m getting there. And I would love heart shaped cookie cutters! My dad’s birthday is on Valentine’s day.

  27. Jenn says:

    I live in an area where we have Fire Season every year. The months of August and September usually smell like wood smoke from the various forest fires, both manmade and natural, that start every year. My favorite dessert is the Blackberry cobbler I learned to make from my Grandmother. We always associate it with the smell of smoke and orange sunshine we get in the Fall and it is fantastic served warm with a little cream or vanilla ice cream. The technique is what counts and can be applied to many fruits. I always think of my Grandmother Jessie when I make it. Thanks.

  28. Krista Anderson says:

    A buttery shortbread cookie would be my favorite all around dessert.

  29. Denise Thompson says:

    What fun! Love cooking with cast iron. I have quite the collection of pans. My favorite dessert is strawberries. Fresh ones! I also love anything made with lemon. My granddaughter says her favorite meal to have is breakfast. She loves to makes eggs and my son loves eggs in a basket. Which is what he calls what is pictured.

  30. Sarah Blue says:

    How unfair asking us to just choose one. For nostalgia and simple pleasure, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting is hard to beat.

  31. Christina Sandage says:

    Picking just one dessert is an impossible task, but I will try. I have narrowed it down to two. First, is a honeyed rhubarb pie that I first discovered while baking during my 4H days. Second is the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting my mom used to make for my sister’s birthday. I could probably name a hundred more desserts I love, but two will have to do for now.

  32. Joyce Pruhs says:

    A good chocolaty and nutty Rocky Road Ice Cream is my favorite sweet thing.

  33. Gail McG. says:

    I really had a hard time picking a favorite, but after much contemplation I think my most loved dessert is carrot cake!

  34. Jo Gill says:

    Sour cream lemon pie!!!

  35. Kathleen Heuertz says:

    I have my mother’s brownie recipe. I add the frosting from her chocolate cake recipe. The chocolate frosting is whipped melted chocolate, vanilla, powdered sugar and milk. I think it is the frosting that makes the dessert. No one can resist.

  36. diana johnson says:

    It would have to be Apple Dumplings.

  37. Dana Downes says:

    Boston cream pie, made from scratch.

  38. Celeste Kizer says:

    I love to make Banana Nut bread like my Mom used to make and it makes our home smell wonderful!

  39. Ashley says:

    Oh dessert! Hard to choose just one! I think Rose Petal Macarons are my favorite of all time.

  40. Rosemary Opatril says:

    My favorite dessert is either cheesecake or rhubarb crisp!

  41. Janet Wellington says:

    I’m new to your mag and lovin’ it! Sharing the recipe for my fave dessert: my own award-winning Chocolage Walnut Espresso Pie, which I only make for special occasions (yeah, it’s THAT good!), and here’s the recipe:
    Chocolate Walnut Espresso Pie
    1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
    1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts
    4 TBL butter
    8-9 TBL instant coffee crystals (*to make espresso powder)
    2/3 cup dark brown sugar
    1 cup dark corn syrup
    3 eggs
    1 TBL vanilla extract
    Need one prepared pie crust.
    Sprinkle walnuts and chocolate chips on bottom of pie crust.
    [*Prepare espresso powder–the more powder you use, the stronger the coffee flavor. Put 8-9 TBL instant coffee crystals into a coffee grinder; process until it becomes a fine powder. You will use 3 to 6 TBL espresso powder, depending on taste preference. 6 TBL espresso powder was used in the prize winning pie.]
    Melt butter in a glass bowl, covered, in the microwave for about 40-50 seconds.
    Whisk the espresso powder into the hot, melted butter.
    Beat in brown sugar, corn syrup, eggs, and vanilla.
    Mix until smooth.
    Pour into crust, covering walnuts and chocolate chips.
    Bake in bottom half of 350 degree oven for 35-45 minutes, until crust is golden brown and top is a warm brown color and slightly firm.
    Cool on rack before cutting into small slices.
    Serve with French vanilla ice cream or sweetened whipped cream.

  42. Katie says:

    My most loved dessert…Grandma’s fruit cocktail and whipped cream mixture covered with a blanket of crushed graham crackers. Nothing elaborate, but “Oh, so good”. I’m quite sure her special touch made it even better!

  43. Tammy Bedard says:

    Chocolate Cream Pie

  44. Jill Breaux says:

    Favorite dessert is shoo fly pie… Thanks for asking

  45. Tomi Mathew says:

    My favorite is these paper thin sugar cookies my Aunt Maxine gave me on my birthdays. You could see through them and they were crisp and sweet. The best cookies ever.

  46. Bonnie says:

    My most loved dessert is home made chocolate chip cookies with home canned peaches.

  47. Patty Ihm says:

    My favorite dessert is a pudding cake from an old Holly Hobby cookbook. My friend recently found a copy of the precious cookbook; mine had disappeared decades ago💕!

  48. Andrew A says:

    Homemade apple pie!

  49. Lori Schmuck says:


  50. Jaylyn Morehouse says:

    Mint chip ice cream!

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