GIVEAWAY: “Farmgirl Sisterhood, Hearts a-Flutter”

And our winner is … Rachele (see winner’s post here).

Original post:

For a chance to win a free, one-year membership to my Farmgirl Sisterhood (6,700 members strong and growing!), tell me how MaryJanesFarm connects you to other women in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


As a member of the Farmgirl Sisterhood, you’ll have exclusive access to our monthly Sister Issue newsletter; get extra tips, discounts, and opportunities; participate in our Merit Badge program (think Girl Scouts for grown-ups); and more. Read all about it at

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways! If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    This is one fantastic opportunity, Farmgirls! There are all sorts of perks but the number one perk is being a part of a group of talented, creative, supportive and fun women across the US and Canada. And, if you don’t get chosen for this giveaway, consider the $20 investment for a present to yourself. We would LOVE to have you join us in all the fun over at MJF Farm!

    Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015

  2. Faith DuBois says:

    MJF gives me a chance to connect to my “tribe” and reinforces a way of life that is all too uncommon…I love being able to connect and share with like-minded gals who inspire me and always have great advice!

  3. Bobbie calgaro says:

    I love to see the ways that women are working to make the world a better healthier place. Also a world not so consumer driven but a world where handmade is cherished and encouraged. A simpler life.

  4. Shannon Hudson says:

    Being a part of MJF Sisterhood is an opportunity to belong… an opportunity to “make sense” to others… an opportunity to share your knowledge and glean from others… an opportunity to set yourself goals and work towards them… an opportunity to share life’s trials and triumphs. The Farmgirl Sisterhood is just that – a group of ladies that become more like sisters than complete strangers

  5. Marlene says:

    Reading, learning from the Sisterhood, makes me feel a part. A real, connected, like I know you part! I just feel encouraged and want to be a part of that encouragement myself. Hugs!

  6. victoria says:

    I love the blogs from around our vast country from “farmgirls”. Sisters who enjoy sharing the ups and downs of everyday living. The many joys of sharing homemaking and crafty ways to feather our nests. I love learning old time-tested ways and new twists on recycling.

  7. Gaye Durst says:

    Although I live in the city, Maryjane’s Farm helps me feel so connected to all women everywhere on and off a farm. I can live vicariously through you all. It is true that farmgirl is a state of mind, I learnd I could still be a part of this sisterhood!

  8. Rebecca says:

    I find that being a member of MJF sisterhood, more than a place where like minded women gather, but more of a family. Each person you interact with becomes a new sister which you learn about and share the ups and downs, joys and sorrows. This brings each member closer and has the ability of filling a void that most of us have in our lives and with each new encounter we draw from the strengths and have the ability our adding our strengths to those who need us when they are facing trials. It is like a family and for many of us, it is our only family.

  9. Daizy says:

    Hay there,

    Wow! How many ways have I grown and bloomed by just having the connection of all these wonderful farmgirls? So so many!!! I have meet friends that I will probably never get close enough to wrap my arms around their neck but they are still my friends! I have been inspired by them and MaryJane too. I consider my life much richer to have found MJF and enjoy the farmgirls.

  10. Phyllis Fekula says:

    I love MaryJanesFarm. Reading the articles and stories and looking at the vintage Farmgirl pictures reminds me that I’m not doing this alone… even though it usually feels like it. 🙂 So, MaryJanesFarm doesn’t physically connect me with other farmgirls, but it does spiritually. I’ve been wanting to join the sisterhood, but have had to use my limited funds for equipment and feed. This giveaway is a blessing.

  11. Daizy says:

    Farmgirls ROCK !!

    I don’t do a desk job and my commute is just out the door so its really nice to have human contact thru MJF. I am so very thankful for this sisterhood.

    Hugs and prayers,
    Daizy #1093

  12. Arlene Boss says:

    I really enjoy reading all of the articles The recipes are especially great as the are new and many are ones that remind me of my mother who was a fantastic cook. The articles on handicrafts are great and so complete a person can make them up themselves. The Bird kitten teaser was precious.

  13. Nancy Shaffer says:

    Get so excited when your sweet magazine arrives in my mailbox. I stop what I am doing and start reading with ooos and aaaws about each page – in fact- I re-read it all month!! It then goes in my “Mary Jane” box with notes written all over the covers and inside too. I refer to all issues. I have ordered past issues and have really enjoyed them all. Bless the staff for continuing to produce such wonderful literature.

  14. Christine says:

    I’ve had MaryJanesFarm out at work during lunch and it has started conversations with my co-workers about being being healthier, coming up with creative ways to recycle items into new and useful things and urban homesteading. It has been a great way to bring us together and I’ve had to make several trips back to the store to replace copies I’ve given away.

  15. Jennifer Locke says:

    I just discovered the magazine today at the Honest Weight Co-op in Albany, New York. We are getting chickens this spring and I dream of a milking cow. I’d love to be part of a larger group of women farming. Thanks!

  16. Rachele says:

    My Aunt subscribed me to this magazine and I got my first issue this month. I think I might have read it 4-5 times now and I keep finding new interesting things. I’m a country girl in the city. When I read about the Farmgirl Sisterhood I instantly got excited and so desperately want to be a part of this group! I would love to learn from other women and grow as a person. Someday I would love to have my own garden (city garden) and I absolutely love animals and have dreamed of having chickens. I have 2 boys who I think would love and grow from this as well. I can’t wait for the next issue and I hope I win!!

  17. Susan Campbell says:

    It lets me know about other women and how they live and also I get a lot of good ideas from them. I read each issue a couple of times and share it with the oarents of my Family Childcare.

  18. Colleen says:

    When I first received this magazine it inspired me to do things that I only dreamed of before. It is nice to read articles of successful women following their passion.

  19. Dawn Alsept says:

    I love the modern look and feel of the magazine but completely identify with my romanticized ideals of days gone by that are showcased monthly. I love reading others tips and ideas and love feeling connected to a few new generations of “farm girls”

    Thanks so much for such a great publication!!!

  20. Cynthia says:

    Simplicity, encouragement, fun – just what I enjoy finding with MJF. Thanks

  21. Sandy Rees says:

    I enjoy reading what the other ladies are doing to make life better for their families.

  22. Melanie Rykena says:

    Mary Janes Farm gives me so many ideas and things to try….and they are all from women who simply want to help other women;)

  23. Donna says:

    I enjoy MJF Every issue i learn something new I like the GF recipes and i enjoy reading about the other ladies adventures in farming, crafts, cooking etc.

  24. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    I love MaryJanesFarm magazine! It inspires the farm-girl spirit in me! Helps me get ideas for things I want to do! I love all the recipes and references to healthier self sustaining organic living! It’s awesome! I am planning on joining the sisterhood just don’t know if I can wait till after mid-February…I may have to join before then! 😀

  25. Heather Hayes says:

    Mary Janes Farm has fueled my creative spirit when it has reached its lowest, by bringing me back to life through the creativity of others. MJF gives me the opportunity to see what other women are doing or have done in the past to bring us to where we are today, a group of women inspired to make the world a better place in whatever place we are planted.

  26. Kelli learned says:

    Absolutely LOVE MJF!! Gives me ideas for cooking, gardening, crafts, etc. makes my world a better place!

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GIVEAWAY: “Moo-n Over Main Street, Hearts a-Flutter”

And our winner is … Shannon Hudson (see winner’s post here).

Original post:

For a chance to win a copy of our Moo-n Over Main Street Metropolis children’s book, tell me what your favorite dairy product is in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.

A 34-page cowpanion to my fifth book, Milk Cow Kitchen, this adorable adventure story is about a milk cow named Sally O’Mally who finds love in the home of a single mom and her daughter who never gave up hope that someday, they’d have a backyard milk cow. Includes five reader-to-child educational pages that are jam-packed with conversational questions, including an irresistible hands-on project.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    This book is the dearest story and the illustrations are priceless. It would make a great gift for a child in your life!

  2. Susan Musgrave says:

    I love two cups of coffee first thing in the morning! But I have to have organic half and half in it. Half and half is my favorite dairy product. I can’t have one without the other!

  3. Karlyne says:

    Oh, real cream for my coffee! It’s not a luxury but a necessity.

  4. Mary Beth Schwarz says:

    What a fabulous book for our first grandchild who will be born in February! Partly because I live in Texas where it is warm much of the year my favorite dairy product is Homemade Vanilla ice cream.

  5. Starletta schipp says:

    My very favorite dairy product is fresh homemade yogurt

  6. Rebecca Taylor says:

    My favorite dairy product would have to be Udderly Chocolate ice cream. It has two kinds of chocolate in it plus tons of dark chocolate shavings through out.

  7. Cathy R says:

    BUTTER!!! And cheeses! In case I don’t win, just ordered two copies for my grandnieces!
    Thank you for all your creations that enhance our lives. MERRY CHRISTMAS

  8. Teri Schneider says:

    Homemade eggnog is my absolute favorite…anytime of the year! My momma used to make it when I was a kid and it always brings back great memories 🙂

  9. Lynn Marie says:

    CHEESE! Love it on everything ☺. The grandchildren would love the book. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  10. Joan Hendrix says:

    Lately my favorite dairy product is the yogurt I make using organic whole milk. Delicious!

  11. Virginia Meyer says:

    It’s a tie for me, I love ice cream, make mine vanilla please, but I also love cheese! I love tasting all the wonderful different flavors of cheese, and I use it as much as possible. But, then, ice cream goes with a lot of my favorite sweet treats, like pie, cake, and cookies…..I just don’t know which to choose! lol

  12. Mary Pitman says:

    I LOVE milk! and all milk products………haha yep.

  13. Micki says:

    I love Cheese!!!!

  14. Shannon Hudson says:

    cheese!!! I absolutely love cheese… and all types of cheese! I think that is what I am looking forward to the most when I have my own dairy animals – learning to make cheese!

  15. Gaye says:

    Sorry it’s two, yougurt and cheese!
    Yougurt because it is do versatile, thick or thin, flavors or plain can even turn it into a soft spread. Cheese because well just so many to love!

  16. Dawn pilat says:

    My favorite dairy product is yogurt. I just found out that chickens like it too ! So now I’m buying extra to share with my favorite egg-layer, “girly-girl”

  17. Debbie Miller says:

    My favorite dairy product has to be butter! It can be added to almost everything and makes it oh so much better!

  18. Cristi says:

    I do love half and half in my coffee but who doesn’t love cheese…or ice cream?

  19. Kim Fredette says:

    If I had a cow, I would name her Florence after my little grandmother from England.

  20. deb church says:

    iced coffee found in the dairy section!

  21. Christine says:

    My first thought was chocolate ice cream with peppermint sprinkles, but I’ve got to admit that I’m also fond of cheese and butter.

  22. Rhonda Bowdy says:

    My favorite Dairy product is my homemade yogurt. I always only eat my own yogurt.

  23. BJ Mickel-Close says:

    When I was a teenager, our cow was Betsy, so Betsy she would be!

  24. BJ Mickel-Close says:

    Thought I was commenting on Hearts a Flutter! My favorite dairy product is skim milk!

  25. My favorite dairy product is ice cream, by far! Need I say more? 🙂

  26. Susan Campbell says:

    My favorite dairy product would be cheese. I would take a cheese sandwhich to school everyday.

  27. Kathryn says:

    Home made strawberry ice cream from fresh home grown strawberries!

  28. Linda Almquist says:

    I love cheeses; especially brie.

  29. Sandy Rees says:

    I especially enjoy making ice cream.

  30. Teri says:

    Oh, how perfect. Although the book is about a mom and daughter, I am a single mom on 8 acres with a the best little boy in the world and this would be so perfect. Nothing could be better than making our own homemade organic grass-fed butter. 🙂

  31. Sharon says:

    My favorites would be homemade greek yoghurt , butter and icecream

  32. Debra Rene Brown says:

    My new baby cows name is: Stella Luna Bella! And I would love a chance to win a free copy of “Milk Cow Kitchen, Hearts a-Flutter” !

  33. Linda Waltman says:

    My cow would be named Bossy and I too would love a chance to win your new book!

  34. Jana Blackwood says:

    My favorite dairy product is cheese. I love cheese of all kinds.

  35. Elba Fitzwater says:

    My favorite dairy products are organic yogurt and cheese

  36. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    My favorite dairy product is a hard thing to decide… It would have to be a toss between icecream and cheese…. But in reality I would probably say milk. Because with milk you can make all dairy products!

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GIVEAWAY: “ChillOver Powder, Hearts a-Flutter”

And our winner is … Jeri Hart (see winner’s post here).

Original post:
For a chance to win a sample of my ChillOver Powder, tell me about the most memorable gelatin dessert you’ve ever eaten (good or bad) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My innovative ChillOver Powder is for all the people who grew up loving gelatin desserts but gave up on them, knowing their animal origin. It sets up in half the time gelatin does. It seals in flavors more quickly. And it doesn’t melt at room temperature. Once you try it, you’ll never go back.

Find Traditional Gelatin Dessert ChillOver DoOver recipes in the Feb/Mar issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways.

If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. ursula hartunian says:

    I make the refreshments for our amateur radio club. A favorite has been “Jugglers” Just the 2 1/2 cup of hot water is added to 2 six ounce packages of Jello. It is allowed to firm in the refrigerator, then cut into approximately 1″ squares or cookie cutters are used. It is ‘finger food’ for the members to eat. I would definitely consider using chill over powder instead of the Jello product.

  2. Barbara says:

    Just a few weeks ago, on Thsnksgiving Eve I had a beautifully molded salmon mousse. It was divine. I had to remove myself from the area! Yum. I have been wanting to try the Chill Over gelatin. Thanks for the possibility.

  3. Winnie Nielsen says:

    My favorite jello dish was my mother’s fresh cranberry salad. She ground up a package of fresh berries, added chopped celery, apple and walnuts. The ingredients were held together by cherry jello, We had this family favorite at every Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.

    My favorite was to use ChillOver is with jelly making. It is superior to pectin and allows me to use less sugar so that the fruit flavor can be more pronounced. It is a must for my orange marmalade too!

  4. Deborah McKissic says:

    My favorite dessert made with jello would be my daughters “poke” cake…yummy…white or yellow batter…baked and then holes poked in it and jello (the chillover would be nice) poured into the holes and then put in the frig to set…yummy…not sure but I think the jello is mixed thicker..anyway..probably would be healthier with the chill over but all of us love, love the cake…she frosts it with real whipped cream…oh, my….I want some now, ha ha…It is family favorite….happy holidays to everyone! remember the reason for the season!! Don’t rush around….stay grounded to the real meaning…always a wireless connection!

  5. Bobbie calgaro says:

    I love the black cherry and Coke jello dessert with pecans.

  6. Chrissy says:

    One of our family’s traditional favored gelatin salad is Broken Glass Salad. It consists of three colors of flavored gelatin (red, green, yellow or orange) allowed to set in separate pans with 1/2 cup LESS water than package calls for, cut up in blocks, bound together with whipped topping base made with unflavored gelatin and pineapple juice and molded in crown copper mold. It is festive looking.

  7. Deon Matzen says:

    When I was about six or seven years old, we visited an elderly pair of my father’s “spinster” aunts. They prepared a traditional midday dinner in all its Nebraska glory. I had been taught that you had to take a little of everything and eat it just to be polite. I saw this red ring of jello-like substance filled with lots of celery, onions, chicken and I am sure much more. I had never tried this kind of “jello” before, but how bad could it be? We had jello at home all the time growing up. This, however, must have been someones idea of a joke. I hated it, but had to force it down. As an adult, I can fully enjoy the salad made with tomato aspic, but when you are six or seven, you expect jello to be sweet, not savory. I learned to love it and make if for special occasions filled with our wonderful Northwest Dungeness crab. What a joy!

  8. CJ Armstrong says:

    I’ve eaten a lot of gelatin dishes in my life as my mom made all kinds of dishes and I’ve made all kinds. But I do have to say that my most memorable one was my first use of the ChillOver powder about 5 years or so ago when I first tried it. I used mixed berries in it and made Triple Berry Parfaits and it was wonderful!
    Now that I’ve thought about it I guess I need to make it again!

  9. Shannon Hudson says:

    My favorite jello dessert was one I had as a child, that an elderly lady at the church use to bring to every church social… It was a strawberry pretzel desert. It had a bottom layer of crushed pretzel crust, then a cream cheese mixture middle, and then on top was a jello layer with strawberries in it. Yummy doesn’t do that dessert justice!

    Thinking back on it, I think the individual who made it, made the dessert more special. You know how eating something someone special makes, just makes it that more delicious. This lady was one of those special ladies! More than anything I wanted her as my grandmother 🙂 She always had time to listen to my dreams and encourage me to make them a reality. There were times she brought me the dessert for my birthday, for my graduation rom high school, and again for my college graduation. She knew how much I loved that dessert… I just hope she knew how much i loved her too!

  10. Debbie Bell says:

    My Mom’s Strawberry Jelli dessert includes graham crackers layered with whipped cream, pecans, pineapple, and strawberry jello. It’s quite yummy!

  11. Karlyne says:

    The funniest jello story I remember is the one that starred my mother. We were at a Chinese buffet, and for dessert she scooped up some jello and topped it with whipped cream. As she started to eat it, she got a peculiar look on her face and whispered to us, “This whipped cream tastes odd.” So, of course we tasted it. It was horseradish sauce…

  12. Marion says:

    I made a Thanksgiving jello salad with cranberry, pecans, raisins, celery and carrots in cranberry jello. My husband and I loved it but everyone else said ‘ Jello for Thanksgiving?’. We still like it as a nice light dish with leftovers.

  13. Starletta schipp says:

    My grandmother would always make grape jello for thanksgiving and Christmas- but no other time of yeat

  14. Virginia Meyer says:

    My favorite gelatin dessert is the one with the crushed pretzels on the bottom, some kind of cream cheese mix in the middle with cherry or strawberry gelatin on top! Don’t know the name of this one, but it always appears at family reunions!

  15. Gaye says:

    Really I can’t remember any personally because I can only think of my now 19 year old at just shy of 2. Because of some special needs she was beyond picky, also had a large vocabulary but was very hard for her to string a sentence. Anyway we had not really eaten a lot of boxed jello, because of food additives colors etc and I had yet to venture inyo my own. Well I did and made juice gelatin eggs, for Easter. Well, she loved them and she tried her very best to hang onto them and eat em. All the while exclaiming in her sweet little voice ” I like them, I like this egg!” I can still see it so vividly her pigtails her dress the sun her basket my older daughter so happy for her… 💕

  16. Lisa Allen says:

    Love, love, love a cranberry salad recipe very similar to Winnie’s. We grind fresh/frozen cranberries, add sugar, chopped celery, walnuts and apples, then raspberry or cranberry jelly. I could pass on all the other meal offerings and eat just this salad.

  17. Patty Robison says:

    My Mother always fixed a red jello with pecans and coconut in it and it was great. Not sure what else was in it but it was always molded into a circular shape. It was great. I have a molded pan for jello but never had a recipe to use for the pan. I am interested in the Chill Over Powder and recipes too.

  18. Elizabeth Plewa says:

    Strawberry pretzel jello. Delicious sweet salty and fruit all in one

  19. Jeri Hart says:

    Love your magazine !!!! Anyway my favorite gelatin dessert was a wonderful layered desert that contained cherry or raspberry jello, sour cream, pineapple, gelatin and whipped cream. I was given the recipe in 1990…I hadn’t made it in 10 years and when my kids asked about it I pulled it out of the old 3×5 box and it was too faded to read … Couldn’t read all ingredients or the measure amounts 😟 Would love to try your new chill over powder in your pineapple , pretzel & cream dream recipe in the Feb/March issue of Mary Jane’s Farm!

  20. deb church says:

    lime jello with shredded carrots and celery bits served on a piece of lettuce and then topped with a dollop of mayonnaise.

  21. Christine says:

    My favorite gelatin dessert is Turkish Delight. It seemed like an easy enough task to replicate, so I tried making it myself one time, but it ended up a bit too chewy.

  22. Vicki Lee says:

    I would give anything to have my Mother’s red jello with fruit cocktail and a token banana (my husband was allergic to bananas). She said it needed that little bit of banana taste. And, we always had real whipped cream (no Cool Whip for her) on top… it was so delicious even though it was easy to make. My mother died 13 years ago and this simple dessert reminds me of her.

  23. Julie says:

    As we were growing up my mom would make a yogurt cheesecake that used gelatin. It was and is a family favorite. The flavor is little but creamy, with a little bit of fresh blueberry sauce over it! That is the taste of summer for us!

  24. My MIL makes the best jello salad with lots of fresh fruit from her garden!

  25. Cynthia says:

    Love strawberry and pretzel gelatin salad.

  26. Jane Parks says:

    I have made a dessert called “Strawberry Pretzel Salad” using pretzels, strawberries, strawberry gelatin, cream cheese and whipped topping. It is so yummy, I get requests to bring it to covered dishes and reunions. I would love to try the ChillOver Powder in this recipe.

  27. Dani Cotter says:

    My Mom used to make us a strawberry layer dessert with layers of jello, then a layer of jello and cool whip blended, then more jello and so on! She topped it with a dollop of cool whip and a strawberry. It was always a special dessert!

  28. Jana Blackwood says:

    My most memorable gelatin dessert was lime green Jello with pineapple chunks. This was poured into a Tupperware mold. The mold had a changeable top for different occasions. (I didn’t really like this dessert but it was the 70’s and everyone was making this) My mother still has this mold .

  29. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    As a kid I always liked just plain cherry jello. It was always fun eating the little cubes! Also just very recently my mom starting making at Christmas time her grandmas old Christmas standard. It was one of those jello rings with strawberry jello, crushed Oreos and cool whip. Which is not very healthy at all! But… If I won the chill over powder (which I have been dying to try!) We could make it with homemade jello and cool whip!

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