WINNERS! Giveaway: BINGO is the game-o

I have two educational Farm Bingo sets that are looking for two pairs of hot little hands. To win, just tell me what your favorite game is. Let’s hear it for game night!

Our winners are:

Terry Steinmetz said:

Our favorite game is still Scrabble. Talk about learning vocabulary! My hubby used to do the NY Times crosswords, so he has plenty of extra words that always get me stuck. So we sometimes end the game with a few letters (& words) that I can’t use. It’s all in good fun, though. And I am learning new words & meanings. When our children were all home, we had a family night every Friday, where no phone calls were allowed, no neighborhood kids, and no TV. Just project & wintertime game nights. Their favorite game was always Sorry. We even had tournaments. Ah, the memories! Now my grandgirls are growing up playing games. Their favorite right now is Sorry. They sure keep the pace going, even the 4-year-old. But I love every minute of it. BINGO would be great fun to play with them. By the way, our kids still love to play games, & Trivia is their board game, with Euchre as their favorite card game.


Debbie Christin said:

Just this past weekend, my family and I played card games (Gin Rummy, Wild Card, Old Maid). We were up at our summer cabin in British Columbia—no Internet, no TV. The kids had a little adjustment (withdrawal), and then we had a lot of fun with cards!

If you missed the contest, here’s the original post:

Hey there, have you been missin’ your Willy? I tell you what, that new MBA Jane has been stealing the spotlight. Makes me feel like singin’ the blues …

But instead, I’m gonna celebrate that I’m back, with a GIVEAWAY! (You kinda wanted to hear me sing though, didn’t you?)

You can imagine how tickled I was to find this game of Farm Bingo (below) by Lucy Hammett Games. The colorful cards have actual photographs of cows, chickens, pitchforks, tractors, hay bales, and just about everything else you’d find on a farm.

Lucy’s growing line of educational picture bingo games includes custom-designed games for places like the White House Historical Association and Yellowstone National Park. Lucy designs each game herself, and her concept of combining art, culture, and information with kid-friendly competitive board games has won her numerous awards. Bingo-loving kids can even join her “Club Bingo” and receive a brand new bingo game every three months. Each game is made in the U.S., guaranteed to be lead-free, and appropriate for ages 3 to adult.

(Teacher editions are available as well. For more information, visit or call 888-420-7585.)

  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    The favorite game in our house right now is a game called “shut the box”. Its a simple felt lined wooden box that has “domino like” pieces numbered 1-9 on a rod so that you can flip them up and down. To play you roll the dice, and flip shut the numbers that you roll. For example if you roll a “6” and a “3” you can either flip the 2 corresponding numbers shut OR you can just shut the “9”. Your turn ends when you cant flip/shut anymore numbers. Whatever numbers are left showing are added up and that is your score. The object of the game is to have the player with the lowest score. It’s fast moving and fun! I leave it sitting right on the coffee table in the livingroom, and without fail, when the kids have friends over, they ALL end up playing a couple of rounds.

  2. Terry Steinmetz says:

    Our favorite game is still Scrabble. Talk about learning vocabulary! My hubby used to do the NY Times crosswords so he has plenty of extra words that always get me stuck. So we sometimes end the game with a few letters (& words) that I can’t use. It’s all in good fun, though. And I am learning new words & meanings. When our children were all home, we had a Family night every Friday, where no phone calls were allowed, no neighborhood kids, and no TV. Just project & winter time game nights. Their favorite game was always Sorry. We even had tournaments.Ah, the memories! Now my grandgirls are growing up playing games.Their favorite right now is
    Sorry. They sure keep the pace going, even the 4 year old.But I love every minute of it. BINGO would be great fun to play with them. By the way, our kids still love to play games & Trivia is their board game, with euchre as their favorite card game.

  3. Jen in TX says:

    Scrabble is popular here, and Uno. And a great game called Blockus, a strategy board game using colored tiles.

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    When the girls were younger, they loved to play a go fishing board game that was mine when I was little. That was followed by a board game called Horses and then chess. As adults we still love to play Taboo with our long time neighbors and their kids whenever everyone is home in the same town together! As a child growing up, Monopoly was my all time favorite and we used to spend hours in the summer playing in our basement which was cooler. In the days of no a/c, basements were the haven for long hot summer afternoons in Virginia. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Drat!!!

  5. Kim Watts says:

    I love that the game has pictures of farm animals. We love Candyland and Go Fish!

  6. Debbie christin says:

    Just this past weekend my family and I played card games (gin rummy, wild card, old maid). We were up out our summer cabin in British Columbia – no Internet, no Tv. The kids had a little adjustment (withdrawal) and then we had a lot of fun with cards!

  7. Marie Christopher says:

    My favorite game is Farkle (right not that is). Changes with the seasons and the mood I am in. Also, who I can get to play a game with me. Scrabble is the all-time favorite with my grands.

  8. drMolly says:

    The favorite of the grands was/is Sorry, and now we will have a great-grandbaby in November, so we will get back to CandyLand & Chutes & Ladders, LOL. ‘tP’ and I like Scrabble best, but dominoes (Mexican Train) is good, too, & the #2 GS loves it, too.

  9. Barbara says:

    We are playing Yahtzee and Bananagrams which is faster than Scrabble and not so intimidating to younger players.

  10. Cathy R says:

    My all time favorite ~ pig mania now called pass the pigs! Still roll those adorable little piggies by myself sometimes and smile at the memories. I have a godchild who would adore Farm Bingo. Thanks for your generosity and enjoyable blog!

  11. Turtle says:

    we love pass the pigs and for those adult evenings with friends and cars have worked it into a drinking game as well.
    For just hubby and i we adore cribbage. But if daughter wants to play too we pull out Hawaii-opoly. We get to remember those years we lived there

  12. Colina says:

    For my older nephews and I, the game of choice is Monopoly! I used to be the master but they are quick learners and it took them no time to figure out my strategy and use it against me. As for my little girl’s favorite? Its a toss up between the Dr. Suess memory game and Candyland!

  13. Connie says:

    My all time favorite game is dominoes.

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